Women’s Ministry
A sisterhood growing through discipleship, fellowship, and sacrificial service

Couples’ Ministry
Focus on intentionally creating paths of Biblical studies and fellowship opportunities that will inspire, strengthen and mature Christian marriages.

Children’s Ministry
Making disciples of children from infancy to 12 years of age. Various classes are offered through Children’s Church.

Christian Education Ministry
Focus on training and equipping through curriculum and teacher assessments. Classes include New Members Orientation, Bible Study, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Theological Seminars.

Care Ministry
Inward focus on ministering to our members includes Counseling, Prayer & Intercessory, and Pastor’s Aide.

Hospitality Ministry
Focus on serving our members and guests through Meal Service, Ushers/Greeters, and Transportation.

Special Events Ministry
Coordinate and help facilitate all event activities within the church

Security Ministry
Serves as a welcoming presence in the church so that the members and guests feel safe and secure as they worship God and fellowship one with another.
Mt. Zion is committed to be a dynamic spiritual body empowered by the Holy Spirit to share Christ with as many people as possible in our lives, church, and community. We are a Bible based congregation that encourages the teaching and training of Christian discipleship. The church seeks to minister to the congregation and community through it’s various ministries.