Mt. Zion is a Jesus-ruled, elder-led church. As shepherds and overseers of a local church, elders are qualified men who are entrusted with protecting, leading, equipping, and caring for the corporate church body and her individual members. We have committed to team leadership through a plurality of elders. Our elders work together to shepherd the church body in all areas. The qualifications for elders are found here: 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4; I Timothy 5:17.
Ministers are individuals who have been called and gifted by God, and confirmed by the elders to preach and minister God’s Word. Some are particularly gifted to be evangelists. Ministers work under the direction of the elders to serve and minister to a variety of needs within the church.

Lydia Amekuedi

Kevin Coppage (sabbatical)

Tayon Williams Dancy

Matthew Darby

Brandi Hancock

Jacquelyn Harrison

Rasheeda Oliver

Barry Singleton (deceased)

Jae Smith

Gerald Vinson

James Warmack

Patrick Wilson
Shepherding Ministry
Deacons are men who assist the elders in shepherding and meeting the spiritual, physical, material, and temporal needs of the church. They are responsible for caring for the members and performing other duties and responsibilities delegated and prescribed by the elders. The qualifications for deacons are found here: 1 Timothy 3:8-13; Acts 6:3-4.

Marion Aldridge
Deacon, Zone 4

Phil Blango
Deacon, Zone 4

David Bowser
Deacon, Zone 2

George Brown
Deacon, Zone 3

Rufus Credle
Deacon, Zone 2

Cliff Hardaway
Deacon, Zone 1

Wes Harrison
Deacon, Zone 4

Robert Hunter
Deacon, Zone 3

Shaun Johnson
Deacon, Zone 1

Perry Johnson
Deacon, Zone 3

Tim Jones
Deacon, Zone 4

Charles Smith
Deacon, Zone 4

Corey Smith
Deacon, Zone 1

Henri Spivey
Deacon, Zone 1

Evens Thermitus
Deacon, Zone 1

Tim Thompson
Deacon, Zone 3
Church Staff

Perry Johnson
Facilities Manager

Worship Ministry